Workshop on Grid Integration of Variable Renewable Energy: Innovative Solutions at the Transmission and Distribution Levels
- Workshop on Grid Integration of Variable Renewable Energy: Innovative Solutions at the Transmission and Distribution Levels
- 2018-06-04T21:00:00-04:00
- 2018-06-05T05:30:00-04:00
- An exciting opportunity for participants to the Asia Clean Energy Forum to gain knowledge and tools to enable a clean, modern, flexible, and affordable power system!
- What Training
- When Jun 04, 2018 09:00 PM to Jun 05, 2018 05:30 AM (America/New_York / UTC-400)
- Where Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines
- Contact Name
- Web Visit external website
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The Greening the Grid team is organizing a one-day Deep Dive Workshop at the Asia Clean Energy Forum on "Grid Integration of Variable Renewable Energy: Innovative Solutions at the Transmission and Distribution Levels." The event will be held at the Asian Development Bank Headquarters in Manila on 5 June 2018.
With the costs for solar and wind energy technologies continuing to fall, an increasing number of countries have shifted from planning for the integration of variable renewable energy to actually implementing changes. This Deep Dive Workshop, organized by USAID, GIZ and NREL, will draw from these experiences to provide the most up-to-date information on emerging solutions for efficiently integrating variable renewable energy to both the transmission and distribution systems. Expert speakers from diverse power systems around the world will highlight case studies and provide participants with insights on solar and wind grid integration strategies that can be adapted to power systems of any size and market structure.
Learn how decision makers in the Asia region (and beyond!) are addressing common grid integration questions
- Which decision support tools are available to enable power system flexibility?
- What strategies are effective in creating an enabling environment for thermal plant flexibility to support solar and wind integration?
- What considerations and approaches can help policy makers understand the type, size, and location of energy storage to best benefit their power systems?
- How can innovative approaches to interconnection processes, compensation mechanisms, and planning address the technical challenges that arise as large amounts of rooftop solar PV are interconnected to the distribution system?
- What will the role of emerging technologies be in systems with high levels of variable RE?
Participation is free for ACEF attendees
Registration for ACEF is a prerequisite for participation in the Deep Dive Workshop. Apart from the ACEF fee, there are no additional costs to attend this workshop. Please indicate your participation in this Deep Dive Workshop when registering online for ACEF at
For the latest agenda and information, please visit the Deep Dive Workshop section of the ACEF webpage, linked below.